Saturday, September 16, 2006

Thoughts of blogging: choosing content form

You can produce content (quite industrial formula) by yourself or borrow it from the others. If you borrow, everything is easy and your blog is full of wonderful works, but sooner or later you’ll have copyright problems. And it’s also immoral. Really.

So it’s better to publish your own works. What do we have?

* Videos. You don’t need to make much effort to shoot some videos, but getting something worthy is more difficult than taking a nice photo or writing an entertaining passage. If you decide to post videos, they are to be outstanding. It doesn’t fit me. I’m not fond of shooting films.

* Photos. There’re a lot of talented photographers, but not so much. You’ve more chances to come across a talented photographer than a talented operator. But on the whole awesome photos are rare. Here I should say that my photos are quite ordinary. I use them to illustrate my articles and position them as key post elements rarely.

* Illustrations, flash cartoons and music are infrequent too. The overwhelming majority of bloggers can’t produce them (hello, factories :) ). I can’t make something special too.

* Texts are the only form of content most bloggers can offer. It’s the most popular content form and I suppose it’s possible to write good articles. Internet is a great library indeed, so here’s nothing terrible.

I’ve ideas on how to make progress in your writing skills.