Tuesday, September 19, 2006

AJAX is great but…

I know the advantages of using AJAX and admit that it’s a very useful feature, but two things about it bother me.

1. My favorite browser is unfortunately Opera 7.56u. Well, it can’t handle AJAX at all. So to use blogger.com, worth1000.com, plime.com, mail.google.com I need to change browser. I use Firefox. And you know this changing is quite annoying.

You may say that solution is easy, I should use only Firefox. I’ll answer that my old Opera is much more convenient. But I’m trying to migrate now.

2. This point is global. Most of AJAX applications use animated GIFs or flash to show loading process. AJAX is still quite unstable technology, a lot of programmers just learn how to use it and very often something goes wrong and this animation continues infinitely. I hope the solution will be found, but now progress indicators don.t depend on real process, so it’s unpleasant.

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